Cost is going to be a big thing to consider when you make a decision to purchase a private power pole. There are three different kinds of cores you can choose for your pole. Here’s some information on private power pole installation costs, benefits, and downsides associated with each.

Galvanised Steel
This power pole core starts from $799 and is one of the most common options. The base pole dimensions start at 114mm by 6.5m.
You don’t have to worry about termites at all with galvanised steel, which can be a big problem with timber poles depending on where you’re geographically located. The cosmetic look of these poles also makes them an attractive option for homeowners.
Lifespan at 10-15 Years
This can vary based on a number of factors.
Immune to Termites
You don’t have to worry about bugs eating steel.
Customisable Length and Size
There are many kinds to choose from.
Relatively Small Generally
If space is an issue, it’s easy to find steel cores that fit.
Run Cables Inside Pole
You can protect cables more easily this way.
Customise with Paint
Paint poles whatever you want to match your house.
Cheap to Install
Steel poles are among the cheapest to install.
These poles a subtle and won’t stand out too much or alter your neighbourhood’s look.
Corrosion from Rust
Harder to Find Tall Poles
Galvanised Layer Wears Off
Companies like Telstra Avoid These Poles
If you want or need a tall pole for whatever reason, then steel isn’t going to be your best option since it can be hard to source. You also have to worry about water running down the pole and corroding it from the inside with rust. The dipping process for galvanised steel means that once the top layer wears off, which it will eventually, you get a pole that will rust and corrode rather quickly. In other words, whilst you absolutely save on price with these poles, there’s also a trade-off since their lifespan can be highly affected by their construction. As a result, your cost to value ratio could suffer.

Hardwood Timber
Another option is to go with a hardwood timber core. The cost of these poles starts from $899. This means, that there’s a higher buy-in than what you get with galvanised steel, but there are trade-offs to consider that give you more of an advantage when it comes to value. It’s the most common type of pole you’ll traditionally find in streets and it’s been used since the beginning of electricity. It’s a good option when you need a tall pole.
Longer Lifespan of 15-25 Years
You tend to get up to an extra 10 years over galvanised poles. Timber poles can make it to 25 years or even longer, depending on the kind of weather you get. You at least don’t have to worry about rust.
Large Sizes
It’s easier to source pole sizes of up to 11 meters for residential use with timber.
Wood Blends In
Since it’s likely you have trees in the neighbourhood already, timber poles often fit right in.
Due to the uneven nature of the timber poles, you often need serious, specialized equipment to lift and put them into place. This is often an issue since it can be harder to gain access.
Poor in High-moisture Areas
You can expect higher levels of rot and decay if you live in an area that has a lot of rain or groundwater that doesn’t tend to go away. If the water leaves quickly, then it’s not an issue, but if it sticks around, you will have problems.
Termites and other insects that love to eat or make their home in wood could highly accelerate how quickly a pole deteriorates.
Bush Fires
If a bush fire happens, a wooden power pole can burn easily.

Titan Composite
In the end, the Titan composite options are often the best since they have many of the advantages of both the other options and virtually no serious disadvantages due to their cement composite structure. They do have a higher buy-in price starting from $1320, but you get much more value for your investment.
Bush fires offer no threat to cement.
Immune to Rust
Cement doesn’t rust, unlike steel.
Non-conductive to Electricity
Unlike steel, you don’t have any issues with accidental conduction of electricity, lightning, etc.
Doesn't Rot
Cement doesn’t rot like with timber poles.
No Termites
Insects can’t really eat or burrow into cement.
Run Cables Inside
Keep your cables safe and neatly positioned, just like with steel cores.
Lifetime Warranty
Titan composite is so durable that you get a lifetime guarantee, unlike other power pole options.
Low Cost for Life of Installation
A Titan core often needs less maintenance, increasing the value.
No Chemicals
No chemicals are needed for preservation.
RFID for Easy Maintenance
When maintenance is required, you can monitor it easily with an RFID chip.
Easy to Drill
Modifications are easy since the poles are easy to add screws into or to drill.
Poles are easy to modify to suit the application.
High Size Range
You can choose sizes going from 7.2 m up to 12.5 m with just one piece, and higher is also possible.
This concrete composite is lighter than concrete or wood on its own.
Works in High-salt Conditions
Steel poles can rust fast in salty conditions such as in coastal homes. Titan poles don’t have that issue at all.
Immune to UV
Unlike with other materials, you don’t have to worry about sun exposure and wear.
Lowest Carbon Impact
Environmentally friendly!
AS/NZS 4676 Compliant
Poles fully meet Australian standards for structural design in utility service poles.
Getting Started
Since private power poles are the homeowner’s responsibility, it’s important to choose one that suits your unique requirements and situation best. That way, you’ll feel more confident about adhering to the guidelines for their use, depending on what area you live in. For more information about getting a titan composite power pole with a lifetime guarantee, or if you are unsure which is the best pole option for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.
Call Payless Power Poles today
Payless Power Poles is an Ausgrid Level 2 Accredited Service Provider with the licensing and the experience necessary to ensure that your temporary power pole is set up safely and that it is in compliance with local regulations. To find out more about temporary power poles as well as other power pole options, we invite you to give us a call today at